Programme SAP RPUTLTU0 - Report to test BSI TaxLocator connection

Use this report to determine whether your system is configuredcorrectly to invoke the Tax Locator executable.

There are three options within the report:

  • Call Options: To specify the number of successive calls to be
  • made to the executable.
    • Processing Options: To specify whether the executable has to be
    • invoked with residence address, work address or both.
      • Display Options: To specify whether the taxes and messages
      • returned from the executable are to be displayed using the SAP ListViewer output format or the SAP Simple List output format.

        Possible outputs and their significance:

        • Taxes only: Executable successfully invoked.

        • Messages only: Executable successfully invoked but mappings absent.

        • Taxes and Messages: Executable successfully invoked but some errors
        • exist.
          • Short dump with exception COMMUNICATION_FAILURE: Executable invocation
          • unsuccessful.
            • Short dump with exception SYSTEM_FAILURE: Internal problems within the
            • executable.