Purpose This report enables administrators of certificates and licenses to checkthe consistency of employee qualifications in relation to the codesstored in employee Certification and Licensing> infotype (0795)records. To this end, the report summarizes in its output allinconsistencies found in the qualifications of the selected employees.Integration Because this report enables administrators to identify inconsistenciesin employee qualifications, administrators can use its output to improvethe integration of their Personnel Development data (stored in employeequalifications) and Personnel Administration data {stored in employeeCertification and Licensing> infotype (0795) records}.Selection The standard period and personnel selection criteria delivered with thisreport enable administrators to check the consistency of employeequalifications. Output To identify inconsistent qualifications in its output, the report teststhe codes stored in the Certification and Licensing> infotype(0795) records of all selected employees in two ways. Has the code been assigned to the employee's qualification(s) in tableT5UPBSTC42? Note> If necessary, administrators can manually perform this assignment inCustomizing for Payroll USA> (PY-US) by choosing SupplementsPublic Sector US> -> Certification and Licensing> ->Integration with Personnel Development> -> Manually AssignClassifications/Codes to Qualification Grps./Qualifications> ->Assign Codes to Qualifications>. Does the validity period of the code overlap, on at least one calendarday, with the validity period of the qualification? Upon completing this test for the codes stored in the Certificationand Licensing > infotype (0795) records of all selected employees, thereport summarizes in its output the qualifications of the selectedemployee(s) in two categories.
- No Matching Certificate>
If the report finds an employee qualification that has no correspondingcode, then that qualification is summarized, by employee, in this firstcategory.
- With Possible Matching Certificate(s)>
If the report finds an employee qualification that has at least onecorresponding code, then that qualification is summarized, by employee,in this second category. {For each qualification, the report outputdisplays the corresponding code(s).} From the report output, administrators may perform either (or both) oftwo actions by choosing the corresponding function button from theapplication toolbar.
- Delete Selected Qualification(s)>
By choosing the checkbox for a qualification, then this function button,administrators can manually delete that qualification. By choosingmultiple checkboxes, then this function button, administrators can alsodelete multiple qualifications, if needed.
- Errors and Information>
By choosing this function button, administrators can review the errorsthat pertain to all qualifications listed in the report output. {UnlikeDelete Selected Qualification(s)>, this feature cannot be used forsingle qualifications.} Where appropriate, other information is alsodisplayed.Example Suppose you work in an educational institution, for which you areresponsible for administering certificates. Among other employees whosework requires certification, five guidance counselors are employed atyour workplace. You now wish to review the consistency of thequalifications for these five counselors. Upon running the report fortheir personnel numbers, the five counselors are displayed as follows.
- No Matching Certificate>
80009895> (personnel number or person ID)> - 22200100> Spec. in Secondary Education (qualification ID)>
- With Possible Matching Certificate(s)>
80009809> - 22200150> Master's in Guidance & Counseling -- GUID> {Certification and Licensing infotype (0795) code}> 80009827> - 22200150> Master's in Guidance & Counseling -- GUID> 80009839> - 22200150> Master's in Guidance & Counseling -- GUID> 80009872> - 22200150> Master's in Guidance & Counseling -- GUID> 80009895> - 22200150> Master's in Guidance & Counseling -- GUID> In this example, the guidance counselor with person ID 80009895>has recently begun working at your school, after moving from a statethat requires its guidance counselors to hold a specialization insecondary education. Since guidance counselors in your state onlyrequire a Master's degree in Guidance and Counseling, the new employeehas an unnecessary qualification - 22200100> Spec. inSecondary Education>. Moreover, this qualification was never mapped toany Certification and Licensing> infotype (0795) code. Therefore, if you do not require this qualification for any otherpurpose, you are at liberty to delete it by selecting its checkbox, thenchoosing Delete Selected Qualification(s)> from the applicationtoolbar. However, since the qualifications displayed in the output ofthis report may be required for other business processes in PersonnelDevelopment, we recommend that you exercise caution when manuallydeleting qualifications from the output of this report.