Programme SAP RPUT510BPBS - SAP-HR Belgian Public Sector : Generation of Pay Scales (T510)

This report enables you to change the content of table T510 (Pay scalegroups) on basis of data extracted from tables T5BPBS01 (Description ofpay scale rules) and T5BPBS02 (Description of pay scale rule Jumps).


Parameters :

Country Grouping :
default value "12" : Belgium

Pay Scale Type :
default value "07" : Public sector

Pay Scale Area :

  • Pay scale area "01" :,,Federal government

  • Pay scale area "02" :,,Flanders government

  • Pay scale area "04" :,,Walloon region etc.
  • ESG for CAP :
    default value "5" : Public servant
    N.B. all of the above-mentioned parameters are used to determinewhich pay scale to select.

    Reference Date :
    Date used to select the pay scale definitions.

    Minumum Age :
    Age that is used as minimum age when there isn't a minumum age definedinto the description of pay scale rules (table T5BPBS01).

    Maximum Age :
    Age until the pay scale will be generated.

    Options :

    Full tracing :
    Flag this options if you want a full reporting with all the details ofthe processing. If you don't flag this option, the minimum tracing willbe produced.
    A full tracing is made up from :,,
    the selection parameters and options,,
    for each pay scale, a list of the contents of Description of pay scalerules (T5BPBS01) and Description of pay scale rule jumps (T5BPBS02)
    for each pay scale, a list of the new records of Pay scale groups(T510)
    for each pay scale, a list of the old records of Pay scale groups(T510)
    The minimum tracing is only constituted of the above-mentioned points1and 2.

    Test run (no update) :
    This flag determines the type of execution (simulation or real). Thereport will modify the table T510 (Pay scale groups) only if the realexecution is requested (option NOT flagged).