Programme SAP RPUSWCQ0 - Program for Uploading data into table T5QSC

Use this report to update or delete information on Superannuation choicefunds from the Table for Superannuation SuperChoices (T5QSC).When you maintain an employee's Superannuation fund record inSuperannuation Aust. infotype (0220), the system reads Tablefor Superannuation Super Choices table (T5QSC) and defaults the preor post tax fund details.

Fund Information
Enter the following details for the fund:

  • Fund Code

  • Fund Name

  • Superannuation Australian Business Number

  • Superannuation Fund Number,,

  • Superannuation Product Identification Number

  • Upload Options
    Besides the selection screen options, the report can also obtain fundinformation from a text or excel file. To obtain information from anexternal source, enter the path to the file in the File Pathfield.
    You should maintain the fund information within the files in thefollowing format:
    • Fund Code can consist of four characters

    • Super Australian Business Number should consist of fourteen
    • digits
      • Fund Number should consist of eleven digits

      • Begin and end date as DD/MM/YYYY

      • Super Product Identification Number can consist of twenty digits

      • Note
        If you are uploading fund information from a file, ensure that the filesdo not have a title (header).
        For a text file, separate the fund details with a Tab.
        000,,SCF1,,31.12.9999,,01.07.2006,,SUPERCHOICE FUND1,,12345678900000,,
        12345678900 SPIN CODE
        To delete a fund, specify the details of the fund on the selectionscreen or enter the path to the file where the information is present.
        You must also choose Delete in the Uploading Optionssection.

        You can access the report using the transaction PC00_M13_SWCQ.
        Enter the relevant selection criteria.
        To execute the report, choose Program -> Execute.