Programme SAP RPUSV0N0 - Translate contract cat. from P0016 to category in P0409

This report is used to fill infotype External Agencies (0409), forwhich infotype Contract Elements (0016) is read. The field contracttype is transferred to the field Code Insurance/Capacity.

The report carries out checks. A transfer only takes place if:

  • Ihe infotype Contract Elements exists;

  • The contract type is filled with a value that fits in field
  • Insurance/capacity.

    If an infotype Executive Authority (External Agencies) already existsfor a person, it is changed. In all other cases, an infotype is createdwith the following characteristics:

    • The subtype (Executive Authority) is copied from the selection screen

    • If no start date is entered in the selection screen, the start date is
    • copied from infotype Contract Elements
      • In all other cases the start date is the start date entered

      • If required, the field contract type is emptied in infotype ContractElements and the value copied.
        After processing the report generates statistics for:
        • Number of selected persons

        • Number of selected persons with infotype Contract Elements filled

        • Number of selected persons with infotype Contract Elements filled, but
        • with an incorrect contract type
          • Number of selected persons with the correct contract type in infotype
          • Contract Elements with infotype Executive Authority
            • Number of selected persons with the correct contract type in Contract
            • Elements without infotype Executive Authority