Programme SAP RPURMBV0 - Import Reimbursement Claims File List

This report generates batch inputs with the reimbursement details ofsickness payments or sickness holiday allowance. You can generate batchinputs for the following files that are available in the NAV website:

  • File K27

  • This file contains details of sickness payments
    • File K37

    • This file contains details of sickness holiday allowance.
      You can process the batch inputs to create the following infotyperecords:
      • Recur. Payments/Deds. (0014)

      • Additional Payments (0015)

      • Date Specifications (0041)
      • Prerequisites

        From SAP Easy Access menu, select Human Resources -> Payroll
        -> Europe -> Norway -> Subsequent activities ->Period-independent -> Reporting -> ReimbursementReporting -> Upload Reimbursement Claim File List.
        The Import Reimbursement Claims File List selection screenappears.
        On the selection screen:
        In the Import File section,
        Select the file that you want to upload in the File withreimbursement info. field.
        By default, the system displays the name of the person who is executingthe report in the Batch input session name field. You can enterthe name in which you want the report to generate the batch input inthis field.
        In the Type of file section, you can select either of thefollowing files:
        File K27
        When you select this option, the report creates a Recur.Payments/Deds. infotype (0014) record with the value ofReimbursed sicknesspay wage type (OREF)and the file name. The system also updatesDate Specification infotype (0041) record with the Max Date
        , which is the last date of reimbursement as specified in theFile K27. For this you must set the value of Update IT41 in reimclaim list constant VCH41 in Table (T511K ) to 1.
        File K37
        When you select this option, the report creates an AdditionalPayments infotype (0015) record with the value ofReim. vacation sickpay wage type (VREF)and the file name.
        To execute the report in live mode, uncheck test run indicator in theUpdate section. By default, this indicator is set, therefore enablingyou to execute the report in test mode. When you run the report in Testmode the system does not update the infotype records.
        If you select File K37 option, it becomes mandatory to fill the K37received on (IT0015 date) field. The system updates the Date ofOrigin field in the Additional Payments infotype (0015) recordwith the date you enter here.
        To execute the report, choose Program -> Execute.
        The Import Reimbursement Claims File List output screen appears.
        On this screen, the system displays the reimbursement details of theemployees for whom the report generates batch input.
        On the output screen, you have the following options:

        • Choose List of Rejected Personal Numbers, to view the Personnel
        • Numbers for which the system does not create batch input. The PersonnelNumbers listed here are already processed and the system has updated theMaster Data with the record.
          When you process the batch input, the system checks whether the filename already exists in infotypes Recur. Payments/Deds. (0014) andAdditional Payments (0015). If it exists, it implies that thefile is already processed and hence the system lists the correspondingPersonnel Number in the rejected list.
          • Choose List Erroneous Record, to view the personnel numbers for
          • which the system did not create batch inputs. The error could be due toany of the following reasons:
            No corresponding social security number (SSN) exists in the system
            Incorrect record format
            SSN corresponds to more than one employee in the master data
            You must process the batch input session that the report creates inorderto update infotypes Recur. Payments/Deds. (0014), AdditionalPayments (0015) and Date Specifications (0041). You canprocess the batch input session through transaction SM35 or by choosingRun Batch option on the output screen.
            • While generating the batch inputs, the report omits those employees who
            • are included in:
              List of Rejected Personal Numbers
              List of Erroneous Records
              • To create Date Specifications infotype (0041) with the data in
              • Max Date field, which is present in File K27 you must:
                Maintain the date type and date indicator as CO in Customizingunder Payroll accounting Norway -> Absences -> AbsenceReimbursement Reporting -> Define Date Typefor Start of Sickness and Sickness MAX Date.
                Maintain whether the system must update Max Date in DateSpecifications infotype (0041) through Customizing under PayrollNorway -> Absences -> Absence Reimbursement Reporting-> Set Whether to Update Max Date in IT14.