Programme SAP RPUREROL - Reset 'Accounted' Trips to 'To be Accounted'(Recalculation)

The program sets trips with the status

  • trip approved, accounted

  • back to the new status
    • trip approved, to be accounted

    • and documents this in the trip history.
      The result is the same as if the trip had been manually changed andreset to this new status.
      Note: For performance reasons the technical program works
      without an authorization check of trip data. It is protected by means
      of the authorization group in the program attributes.

      The trip status must be

      • trip approved, accounted Posting can have any possible status.

      • Trip beginning and trip end must comply with the correspondingparameters.
        Enter user name as password.

        Trip status is set to

        • trip approved, to be accounted.

        • Posting status is set to 'not posted'.

          In the case of a subsequent change in rates after a certain point intime, all accounted and even posted trips which took place after thistime must be reaccounted.
          This program sets such trips back to 'to be accounted'. The differencesthat result after reaccounting are thus automatically taken intoconsideration (recalculation).

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