Programme SAP RPUPROTU - Maintain Log

This report is used to maintain the log that is created during reportstarts.
Because you can delete logs with this report, you must enter your username (Field Password). You can thus avoid mistakenly deletinglogs.
If you want to delete all logs, flag the Delete all logsindicator.
The following data are stored for every report start:

  • Report name

  • User name

  • Date

  • Time

  • Detailed information

  • If you want detailed information to be displayed for every log, thenflag the All logs with detail info. indicator.
    You can select this data in the report selection screen.
    The following default values are given for formatting the output list:
    • Sort: Report = 1

    • Sort: User = 2

    • Sort: Date/Time = 3

    • You can specify this sort order on the report selection screen bychanging the relevant numerical values.

      The results are displayed in list form. If you have flagged theDelete ('X'= Yes) indicator, the system displays a list ofdeleted logs.
      If you did not flag this indicator, a Maintain log list isdisplayed. This list displays the starts of the selected logs. Fromthis list, you can display the detailed information by choosing therelevant line of the log and selecting Edit -> Choose. You canalso delete the listed logs listed (either partially or completely) byselecting the report(s) and choosing Edit -> Delete log orEdit -> Delete all logs

      The logs of the report start for a report can only be created when acorresponding entry is available for the report in the view HRReport Attribute (V_T599R).