Programme SAP RPUPENG0_CLEARDOWN - Batch Update of IT0071 to clear EE specific record indicator for LGPS

This report enables you to set the Percentage contribution of theemployee as per the standard LGPS Scheme rules. The report creates newPension Funds GB infotype (0071) records for the selectedemployees, with the Employee Specific Record Indicator unchecked.
The report selects the employees for whom:

  • The LGPS specific Pension Funds GB infotype (0071) records
  • overlap the selected period
    • The Employee Specific Record Indicator is set

    • It then displays these employees as batches that you can process tounset the Employee Specific Record Indicator.

      On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources -> Payroll ->Europe -> Great Britain -> Subsequent Activities -> Per Payroll Period-> Reporting -> Local Authorities -> Batch Update of IT0071 to clear EEspecific record indicator for LGPS.
      The Batch Update of IT0071 to clear EE specifc record indicator forLGPS screen appears.
      In the Selection section, enter the employee selection criteria.
      In the Pension Scheme section, select the LGPS Pension schemesfor which you want the system to uncheck the EE Specifc RecordIndicator.
      Enter the period for which you want to update the record.
      Enter a batch session name in the Batch session field.
      To execute the report, select Program -> Execute.
      The Batch Update of IT0071 to clear EE specifc record indicator forLGPS output screen appears. This screen displays the batch session.On this screen:
      Choose Batch input.
      The Batch Input: Session Overview screen appears.
      Select the batch session that you want to process.
      Select Session -> Process Session.
      The Process Session screen appears.
      In the Processing Mode section, select Process/foregroundand choose Process .
      Save your entries.