Programme SAP RPUPBSR0 - Generate PS-Salary Structures

This program will accept parameters like Pay scale type, area, Employeesubgroup grouping for Collective agreement provision, Pay scale groupand insert into the table T510 and T510U.
You can use this utility program to create new entries in the tableT510. This program is more useful while you are setting up your systeminitially.

Assign a Wage type to the Evaluation Class 15 in the T512W table. Forexample,

  • Wage Type/Text: MS40/Basic

  • Evaluation Class: 15
    Evaluation Specification: 01
    • Wage Type/Text: MMVC/MVC

    • Evaluation Class: 15
      Evaluation Specification: 02
      • Wage Type/Text: MNPC/NPC

      • Evaluation Class: 15
        Evaluation Specification: 03
        • Wage Type/Text: MNPV/NPVP

        • Evaluation Class: 15
          Evaluation Specification: 04
          • Wage Type/Text: MNPS/NPVP(SR)

          • Evaluation Class: 15
            Evaluation Specification: 05
            Define the Basic Salary in the table T5PBSR6G.
            Define the Monthly Salary Scale in the table T5PBSR6F and the fieldPSTAT should be "A" (i.e. Planning Status is Active)
            Choose the appropriate function in the table T5PBSR6I (Guideline forSalary Components)
            • Note: Please refer to respective function documentation for the
            • calculation of Basic Salary, MVC, NPC, NPVP and NPVP(SR)

              The program will update the Table T510 and T510U.