Programme SAP RPUPASJ1 - Convert from IT0144 to IT0169

Simulate IT0144 -> IT0169

  • Display inconvertible field in infotype 0144.

  • Display simulation result that number of converted records in infotype
  • 0169 and infotype 0144.
    Delete infotype 0169
    • Delete records of infotype 0169

    • Convert IT0144 -> IT0169
      • Display conversion result that number of converted records in
      • infotype 0169 and infotype 0144.
        Delete infotype 0144
        • Delete records of infotype 0144

        • Excusion schedule
          Submit this program after following.
          Define Benefits IMG
          Specify convertion table T5J98
          (Submit RPUPASJ0 and customize the the table).
          Submit following process in order.
          Simulate IT0144 -> IT0169
          Delete infotype 0169
          Convert IT0144 -> IT0169
          Delete all record of IT0144
          For additional information on the conversion, refer to Infotypeconversion in IMG.

          If you have some add-on fields in infotype 0144 and you want to convertthe field, you have to copy this report and maintain it. This programhave two includes for user definition. You can maintain only thoseincludes.