Programme SAP RPUMNIG0 - Migration report for NI Data Take-on table

Migration Report for NI Data Take-on table

This report migrates data from the old National Insurance Data Take-ontable T5G_NIDTO to the new National Insurance Data Take-on TableT5G_DTONI.



Test: Set this indicator to run the report in test mode.

Upon executing the report, the output displays statistical informationon the processing:
Records on old table: The number of entries on the old NI DataTake-on Table (T5G_NIDTO).
Correct records: The number of records that can be migrated tothe new Data Take-on table (T5G_DTONI).
Rejected records: The number of records that haveinconsistencies and cannot be migrated to the new table.

To migrate your data from the old NI Data Take-on table to thenew table:
Execute this report in Test mode.
If the number of rejected records is not zero, inspect the error listand make the appropriate corrections.
Run the report with the Test indicator switched off. Note: Thedatabase will only be updated if there are no errors in any of therecords.
By successfully executing this report, all processing in payroll andreporting for National Insurance adjustments are transferred to the newtable T5G_DTONI. Therefore, SAP recommends that you run this migrationreport as early as possible. When the payroll driver detects thatthere are entries for the current payroll period in the old DataTake-on table, the corresponding personnel number will be rejectedfrom payroll.
Once this report has been successfully run, all existing data has beenmigrated.

616332HR-GB: Determination of the payment date in old results