Programme SAP RPUMKD00 - Features Directory

This report creates a feature directory.
You can restrict the list by selecting the following fields on thereport selection screen:

  • Feature

  • Person responsible

  • Type of feature

  • Version

  • Generation indicator

  • Default values are already entered in the last three fields. You canchange these values.

    The results are output in list form.
    The list contains the following columns:

    • Feature

    • Name of feature
      • U (Subfeature)

      • If the report covers a subfeature, the indicator x is flagged inthis column.
        • Ver (Version)

        • This column informs you whether the feature in question is a SAPstandard feature (STD) or a feature newly created by or modifiedby a customer (MOD).
          • Description

          • The feature's short text is displayed. To display the long text, placethe cursor on the feature and select Goto -> Documentation
            • Person responsible

            • Name of the person responsible
              • G (Generation indicator)

              • If you want to generate a feature, flag the x indicator in thisfield.
                • S (Status)

                • This indicates the status of the decision tree.
                  The following entries can be present in this column:

                  No decision tree is generated for the feature.
                  The decision tree was saved for the feature and it matches the onegenerated.
                  The decision tree was saved without a check and it does not match theone generated.
                  Decision tree was saved without a check and no tree was generated.
                  You can sort the list. Choose the following:
                  • Edit - > Sort -> name

                  • Edit - > Sort -> person resp.

                  • Edit - > Sort -> type

                  • Edit - > Sort -> version

                  • Edit - > Sort -> status

                  • Edit - > Sort -> generic ind.