Programme SAP RPULACN0 - Wage Return: Checking Customizing

With the aid of this report, you can check the customizing settings thatyou have defined for the wage type.
Correct customizing settings are essential for an error-free wage type.We therefore advise you most strongly to run this report at least oncebefore creating the first wage type.
If necessary, follow the instructions on the screen, as described in thelong texts of the messages to cure any errors. Here, you can use thestandard ALV functions.

With Only display errors, you can determine that only errormessages are displayed. Other messages are not displayed. With this, youcan optimize the performance of the report.
Under Other options, you can select the following:

  • Check customizing

  • Checks the customizing settings.
    • Display indicators

    • Displays an overview of all indicators that are present in system andthat are already allocated to wage types and cumulation wage types, aswell as an overview of the wage types and cumulation wage types.
      • Display customizing

      • Displays the customizing settings.