Programme SAP RPUJWNN1 - Start Annual Statement Employee for Corrections of Earlier Years

With this report you can start the Annual employment tax statement:Employee (RPCJWNN1) if a separate adjustment is indicated.
A separate adjustment is indicated if there has been a change in thepayroll taxes return in a previous year or a finished withholding agent(LePer).

Apart from the standard PNP-selections the following fields areavailable under Other selections:

  • In-period is the declaration period In which the separate
  • adjustment is created.
    • In-period Year shows the year In which the separate adjustment
    • has been created
      • For-period Year is the year For which the separate adjustment is
      • created. The annual declaration can be formatted differently for eachyear
        • You can tick the option Also Differences in SI Code.

        • Progr. name is the name of the annual tax declaration report.

        • Variant name is the name of the variant of the annual tax
        • declaration report to be used. Please bear in mind that the variant ofthe report van het rapport Annual Statement Employee may only containselections related to the other selection criteria. This start-up reportselects the persons for whom an annual statement is to be created.
          • Printer is the name of the output device in the SAP system. The
          • name is entered in the definition of the output devices in the SAP spoolsystem.