Programme SAP RPUIIDC0 - Utility Program for Automatically Creating Institution IDs (ELM)

This report supports the Customizing settings for the uniform wagenotification procedure (ELM).

You have created payroll units before launchingthe report.
To use the report, you have not made any settings in the followingviews:

  • ELM: Grouping Payroll Units for Enterprise (V_T5C51)

  • Internal Institution ID (T5C52 )

  • Value Table Enterprises for ELM (T5CSL)

  • Otherwise the report will interrupt processing with an error message.

    This report creates a sample company for ELM (0001).
    In view T5C52, an internal institution ID is created for everyELM-relevant application key available in the system on the key dateentered. This ID is assigned to to the relevant payroll unit as well asto sample company 0001.

    You can choose the following parameters:

    • Test Mode

    • You see the items the report will insert into the table
      • Write Transport Request

      • You enter generated items into a transport request

        Adjust the items generated by the report to your individualrequirements:

        • Enter the enterprise number and name in the view T5CSL. Enter the
        • address of the enterprise in view V_T536C under the address type EC.

          • If you run payroll according to wage standards for multiple enterprises
          • in your system, enter these additional enterprises in view V_T5C51.Assign payroll units according to the various enterprises using viewV_T5C51.
            • If only some of your payroll units use the electronic notification
            • procedure, or if you use only some of the functions (for example, onlyfor reporting old age and survivors' insurance wages), delete anyirrelevant entries in view V_T5C51.