Programme SAP RPUFBNREMIND - Employee Enrolment Reminder Report

Employee Enrolment Reminder Report (RPUFBNREMIND)

You use the Employee Enrolment Reminder Report (RPUFBNREMIND) togenerate data on employee enrolments in benefits plans and to remindemployees that they have not yet enroled their Flexible Benefitsselections. Specifically, you run this report to:
Generate data on the number of:
Eligible employees for specific benefits plans
Employees who have logged onto Employee Self-Service (ESS) for GBFlexBens enrolment
Employees who have enrolled in specific plans
Employees who have yet to enrol in specific plans
Send reminder e-mails to those employees who are eligible to enrol in atleast one benefits plan but have not as yet enrolled.
You can customize the text of the reminder e-mail by specifying a localfile which contains your own wording . If no local file is specified,the default text from the SAP standard delivery will be taken as thereminder e-mail text.

Before running this report, you must ensure that the following have beencompleted:

  • You have maintained the Logon and Submit date types for
  • the Open Enrolment ESS event in the Benefits Administration IMGstep Define Date Type for Data Analysis inEnrollment Statistics Report.
    • You have maintained the USERID and e-mail address for all employees
    • eligible for participation in GB FlexBens.
      Note: To ensure this data is available to report RPUFBNREMIND,you must maintain the subtypes 0001 (USERID) and 0010 (e-mail address)of infotype Communication (0105) for each eligible employee.
      • If the SAP default e-mail text is not appropriate for your organization,
      • you must have previously created a local TEXT file containing your ownwording (with the extension name 'TXT''), so that report RPUFBNREMINDcan read this file to compose the reminder e-mail. You must also replacethe employee name with '&1' and the closing date of the annual(open) enrolment period with '&2' in your TEXT file.


        The selection screen for report RPUFBNREMIND has the following features:

        • Period Group Box

        • Use this group box to select the period for which you wish to run thereport. You can select one of five period options using the radiobuttons provided, or enter your own selection dates in the Periodfields.
          • Selection Group Box

          • Use the Personnel Number field to select your required employeesfor inclusion in this report. You can also specify additional selectioncriteria by using the Further selections option.
            • Additional Selection Group Box

            • You can further refine your selection criteria using benefit area,adjustment reason, program groupings and benefit plan in the
              Additional selection group box, using the available F4 or multipleselection options.
              You must maintain the selection parameters Benefit area andAdjustment reason in this group box.
              Program grouping is a means of identifying a group of employees withcommon characteristics in order to determine the benefits programavailable for that group (macro-eligibility) on a high level. The GBFlexBens system sorts employees into first and second program groupingsduring processing, according to the corresponding feature.The programgrouping to which an employee belongs is stored in infotype GeneralBenefits Information (0171).
              • Mail Text Group Box

              • Here, you specify your previously created TEXT file which the reportwill use as the text for the reminder e-mails. If you do not maintainthe field File name, the SAP default mail text will be generatedby this report.

                Report RPUFBNREMIND generates a variety of data and offers the followingfunctions from the report output screen. These are outlined below:
                Listing of all employees who have not yet enrolled in the selectedplan(s) or under the selected adjustment reason. The listing displaysthe following information:
                Exceptions: A yellow traffic light means all of the information requiredfor sending a reminder e-mail to this employee is available to thereport. A red traffic light indicates that required information forsending this e-mail mail cannot be retrieved successfully by reportRPUFBNREMIND. Double click the traffic light for more information on thestatus of this employee.
                Personnel Number
                E-mail Address
                General statistics on the number of eligible employees for specificbenefits plans, employees who have logged onto Employee Self-Service(ESS) for GB FlexBens enrolment, employees who have enrolled in specificplans and employees who have yet to enrol in specific plans. Thisinformation is displayed above the list described in 1.
                You can generate reminder e-mails to employees directly from thisscreen. See Activities step 6, for more details.
                You can also download the report output into an Excel format or to alocal file as required.
                The Employee Enrolment Reminder Report (RPUFBNREMIND) is outputted usingABAP List Viewer (ALV) Grid Control.. This allows you to change thelayout of the list interactively using any of the available fields.
                For more information about the functions of the ALV Grid Control tool,see the SAP Library, under: mySAP Technology Components ->SAP Web Application Server -> Basis Services/CommunicationInterfaces (BC-SRV) -> SAP List Viewer (BC-SRV-ALV) -> ALVGrid Control (BC-SRV-ALV).

                Choose the Employee Enrolment Reminder Report (RPUFBNREMIND).
                The selection screen for this report appears.
                Specify your required report selection criteria using the Selectiongroup box.
                Specify any additional report selection criteria using theAdditional selection group box.
                You must maintain the selection parameters Benefit area andAdjustment reason in this group box.
                If required, in the Mail text group box, specify your previouslycreated TEXT file as the default mail text.
                Execute report RPUFBNREMIND.
                The screen Send reminder to eligible EEs who did not submitenrollment appears.
                You can now generate reminder e-mails to employees directly from thisscreen.
                Select the employee(s) to whom you wish to send a reminder e-mail andchoose the option Send E-Mail to send a reminder mail to yourselected employee(s).
                If the operation executes successfully, the traffic light for theemployee changes to green.
                If any errors occur, the traffic light for the employee changes to red.

                You run this report during the annual (open) enrolment period to remindeligible employees that they have yet to enrol, and to inform them whenthe enrolment period closes.