You run this report to generate data on employee enrolments in benefitsplans and to give employee summarization of benefit plans he/sheparticipated. The mail generated includes information such as theemployee's pro-flex salary, post-flex salary as well as each benefitplan cost or credit. Specifically, you run this report to:

  • Send notification emails to those employees who are eligible and submit
  • benefit plans by Employee Self Service: Enrolment
    • You can customize the text of the notification email by specifying a
    • local file which contains your own wording .

      Before running this report, you must ensure that the following have beencompleted:

      • You have maintained the Logon and Submit date types for the Open
      • Enrolment ESS event in Customizing for Benefits Administration: DefineDate Type for Data Analysis in Enrollment Statistics Report.
        • You have maintained the USERID and email address for all employees who
        • are eligible for participation in GB FlexBens.
          Note: To ensure this data is available to reportRPUFBNEMPLOYEENOTIFICATION, you must maintain the subtypes 0001 (USERID)and 0010 (email address) of the Communication Infotype (0105) for eacheligible employee.
          • You must have previously created a local TEXT file containing your own
          • wording (with the extension name 'TXT'), so that the report RPUFBNREMINDcan read this file to compose the reminder email. In the context ofemail, you may replace the payroll manager with &1, system datewith &2, employee name with &3, enrolment from with &4, Pre-flex Basic Salary with &5, Post-flex Basic Salary with6 as well as benefit plans list with body. not allvariants are necessary for you, you can select according to your ownneeds.
            Below is an example:
            Following your recent benefit choices this e-mail confirms yourselection and the values of the benefits. These will remain in place,in normal circumstances, until the end of March next year, when you willhave your next opportunity to flex.
            Full details of each benefit and the way the scheme works is in theflexiblebenefits@ SAP website accessible through the following link:
            Payroll Manager: &1
            Today: &2
            Flex Benefits Choices For: &3
            Enrolment from: &4
            Deductions/additions will be made to your flexed basic salary to reflectyour choices.
            Item From To Selection Description
            Pre-flex Basic Salary &5
            Post-flex Basic Salary &6
            In addition the following standard benefits are included within youroverall reward entitlement:
            If there are queries or more information is required, please see the HRwebsite or contact the Compensation & Benefits team.
            John x 8289

            The selection screen for report RPUFBNEMPLOYEENOTIFICATION has thefollowing features:

            • Period Group Box

            • Use this group box to select the period for which you wish to run thereport. You can select one of five period options using the radiobuttons provided, or enter your own selection dates in the Periodfields.
              • Selection Group Box

              • Use the Personnel Number field to select your required employees forinclusion in this report. You can also specify additional selectioncriteria by using the Further selections option.
                • Additional Selection Group Box

                • You can further refine your selection criteria using benefit area,adjustment reason, program groupings and benefit plan in the Additionalselection group box, using the available F4 or multiple selectionoptions.
                  You must maintain the selection parameters Benefit area and Adjustmentreason in this group box.
                  Program grouping is a means of identifying a group of employees withcommon characteristics in order to determine the benefits programavailable for that group (macro-eligibility) on a high level. The GBFlexBens system sorts employees into first and second program groupingsduring processing, according to the corresponding feature. The programgrouping to which an employee belongs is stored in General BenefitsInformation infotype (0171).
                  • Mail Text Group Box

                  • Here, you specify your previously created TEXT file which the reportwill use as the text for the notification emails.
                    The report supports the function Execute in Background. Beforeyou generate the notification mail in background, do the followings:
                    Save the mail format as a temporary sequential file (TemSe) object intothe system
                    Fill out the File name for background job field with the TemSeobject name, leave out the prefix
                    The TemSe object name is always concatenated with a prefix "
                    HR_NOTICE_". For example, if the TemSe object name is
                    HR_NOTICE_G1_OPEN_2005, what you need to enter in the File namefor background job should be G1_OPEN_2005.
                    For more information about TemSe data management, go through thefollowing path in SAP Library: SAP Printing Guide (BC-CCM-PRN) ->
                    TemSe Data Store
                    • Mail Notification Box

                    • Here, you must type payroll manager name so as to employee can contacthim/her if any questions on the notification email. Payroll manager'semail address should also be typed, otherwise, the operator's email ofthis report will be as emails sender.
                      Test email is only for the testing purpose, if you maintain thisfield and specific email, then when send notification to the employees,this email address will be used to receive notification. Otherwise,employee's email address will be destination receiver.
                      Confirmation email is also used to get one same notificationemail as the monitor if you type.
                      Generate report since last run checkbox enables you to comparethe current result with the previous result stored in the system, andsend the difference report to the employees whose plan information havebeen changed.
                      If you select both the Test email and Generate report sincelast run checkbox, system will not save the current result.

                      Report RPUFBNEMPLOYEENOTIFICATION generates a variety of data and offersthe following functions from the report output screen. These areoutlined below:
                      Listing of all employees who have submitted benefit plans under theselected adjustment reason. The listing displays the followinginformation.
                      Exceptions: A yellow traffic light means all of the information requiredfor sending a notification e-mail to this employee is available to thereport. A red traffic light indicates that required information forsending this email cannot be retrieved successfully by reportRPUFBNEMPLOYEENOTIFICATION. Double click the traffic light for moreinformation on the status of this employee.
                      Personnel Number
                      Email Address
                      You can generate notification e-mails to employees directly from thisscreen. See Activities step 6, for more details.
                      You can also download the report output into an Excel format or to alocal file as required.
                      The Employee Enrolment Notification Report is outputted using ABAP ListViewer (ALV) Grid Control. This allows you to change the layout of thelist interactively using any of the available fields.
                      For more information about the functions of the ALV Grid Control tool,see the SAP Library, under: mySAP Technology Components -> SAP WebApplication Server -> Basis Services/Communication Interfaces (BC-SRV)-> SAP List Viewer (BC-SRV-ALV) -> ALV Grid Control (BC-SRV-ALV).

                      RESET N1
                      Choose the Employee Enrolment Notification Report, the selection screenfor this report appears.
                      Specify your required report selection criteria using the Selectiongroup box.
                      Specify any additional report selection criteria using the Additionalselection group box.
                      You must maintain the selection parameters Benefit area and Adjustmentreason in this group box.
                      In the Mail text group box, specify your previously created TEXT file asthe mail text.
                      Execute the report. The screen Send notification to eligible EEs whosubmit enrollment appears.
                      You can now generate notification emails to employees directly from thisscreen.
                      Select the employee(s) to whom you wish to send a notification email andchoose the option Send E-Mail to send a notification mail to yourselected employee(s).
                      If the operation executes successfully, the traffic light for theemployee changes to green.
                      If any errors occur, the traffic light for the employee changes to red.

                      You run this report during the annual (open) enrolment period to noticeeligible employees that they have submitted, and to inform them tocontact responsible person if they have questions on it.
                      The notification lists information as below:
                      Payroll Manager: Peter Watson
                      Date: 2004.10.26
                      Flex Benefits Choices For: John Smith
                      Valid date: 2004.04.01
                      Deductions/additions will be made to your flexed basic salary to reflectyour choice.
                      Pre-flex Basic Salary,,,,,,,,,,36,000.00
                      Dental care,,01042004,,31032005,,X,,Clear 2,,31.50-
                      Critical illness,,01042004,,31032005,,X,,1XBaseCoverEEOnly,,4.59-
                      Life Insurance,,01042004,,31032005,,X,,2XSalary,,0.16
                      Annual holiday,,01042004,,31032005,,X,,Sell 2 days,,23.08
                      Post-flex Basic Salary,,,,,,,,,,35,860.20
                      In addition the following standard benefits are included within youroverall reward entitlement:
                      Sick pay (up to 2 months)
                      Health screening
                      Regular incentives
                      If there are queries, or more information is required please see the HRwebsite or contact the Compensation & Benefits team:
                      Jean Wood extension 7890
                      Helen Chu extension 8904