Programme SAP RPUFBN17 - Benefit Election Analysis

Benefit Election Analysis Report for Flexible Benefits GB (RPUFBN17)

You run the Benefit Election Analysis Report for Flexible BenefitsGB (RPUFBN17) to produce the following plan data:

  • Number of eligible employees

  • Number of participating employees

  • Percentage of participation

  • Percentage change data between two dates per selected benefits plan.

  • In other words, this report allows you to report on percentage changesin plan participation and eligibility for plans between two given dates.It enables you to assess the popularity of individual benefit plansoffered by your organization to help you make decisions about thepossible range of benefits you may wish to offer your employees in thefuture.
    The output from this report can also be downloaded into an Excel format,or saved as a local file as required.


    The selection screen for report RPUFBN17 has the following features:

    • Selection Group Box

    • Use the Personnel Number field to select your required employeesfor inclusion in this report. You can also specify additional selectioncriteria by using the Further selections option.
      • Additional Data Group Box

      • You can further refine your selection criteria using benefit area,program groupings, plan type, and benefit plan in the Additionaldata group box, using the available F4 or multiple selection options.
        Program grouping is a means of identifying a group of employees withcommon characteristics in order to determine the benefits programavailable for that group (macro-eligibility) on a high level. The GBFlexBens system sorts employees into first and second program groupingsduring processing, according to the corresponding feature. The programgrouping to which an employee belongs is stored in infotype GeneralBenefits Information (0171).
        • Key Dates Group Box

        • Here, you specify the two key dates for which benefits elections are tobe compared. The system date is the default value for the second datefield Changed on, and the system date minus one year is thedefault for the first date field Starting point on .

          The report lists the following data, sorted by benefit area and benefitplan:

          • Actual numbers of eligible employees and percentage increase/decrease in
          • eligible employees between your two specified key dates
            • Actual numbers of participating employees and percentage
            • increase/decrease in participating employees between your two specifiedkey dates
              • Adjusted percentage increase/decrease in participation

              • This is the adjusted difference percentage in participation, showingweighted participation data which takes into account changes inheadcount between the two key dates.
                The Benefit Election Analysis Report for Flexible Benefits GB(RPUFBN17) is outputted using ABAP List Viewer (ALV) Grid Control.This allows you to change the layout of the list interactively using anyof the available fields.
                You can also download the report output into an Excel or local file, aspreviously described.
                For more information about the functions of the ALV Grid Control tool,see the SAP Library, under: mySAP Technology Components ->SAP Web Application Server -> Basis Services/CommunicationInterfaces (BC-SRV) -> SAP List Viewer (BC-SRV-ALV) -> ALVGrid Control (BC-SRV-ALV).

                1. Choose the Benefit Election Analysis Report for Flexible Benefits GB(RPUFBN17).
                The selection screen for this report appears.
                2. Specify your required report selection criteria using theSelection group box.
                3. Specify any additional report selection criteria using theAdditional data group box.
                4. Choose your key dates between which benefits elections are to becompared, in the Key dates group box.
                5. Execute report RPUFBN17.

                You can run this report at the end of an open enrolment period todetermine differences in plan enrolments in comparison with the previousyear.