Programme SAP RPUFBN03 - Health Plan Costs for Flexible Benefit (GB)

Health Plan Costs for Flexible Benefits GB (RPUFBN03)

You run report RPUFBN03 to generate the following data for specified GBFlexible Benefits Health Plans, for any given date:

  • standard costs (values)

  • flexed costs (values)

  • employee costs

  • employee credits
  • Features

    The selection screen for the Health Plan Costs for Flexible Benefits GBreport has the following features:

    • Key Date Group Box

    • Use the Key date group box to select the date for which you wishto run report RPUFBN03 .
      • Selection Group Box

      • Use the Personnel Number field in this group box to select yourrequired employees for inclusion in the report. You can also specifyadditional selection criteria by using the Further selectionsoption.
        • Additional Selection Group Box

        • In this group box, use the available F4 or multiple selection options torestrict data selection using the following parameters:
          Benefit area
          First Program grouping
          Second Program grouping
          Benefit plan
          Note: You must select a Benefit area to run report RPUFBN03.

          The Health Plan Costs report outputs the following information, sortedaccording to payment frequency:

          • Benefit plan

          • Employee

          • Plan option

          • Dependent coverage

          • Standard value

          • Flexed value

          • Cost difference

          • NI Cost Neutrality Amount

          • Employee cost/credit

          • Provider costs

          • The report output is displayed using ABAP List Viewer (ALV) GridControl. This allows you to change the layout of the list interactivelyusing any of the available fields.
            For more information about the functions of the ALV Grid Control tool,see the SAP Library, under: mySAP Technology Components ->SAP Web Application Server -> BasisServices/Communication Interfaces (BC-SRV) -> SAP List Viewer(BC-SRV-ALV) -> ALV Grid Control (BC-SRV-ALV).

            Choose the Health Plan Costs for Flexible Benefits GB report (RPUFBN03).
            The selection screen for this report appears.
            Specify the date for which you wish to run the report in the Keydate group box.
            Use the Personnel Number field in the Selection group boxto select your required employees for inclusion in the report.
            You can also specify additional selection criteria by using theFurther selections option.
            Specify any additional selection criteria using the Additionalselection group box.
            You must maintain the selection parameter Benefits area in thisgroup box.
            Execute report RPUFBN03.
            To display more details for any particular employee from the reportRPUFBN03 output screen:
            Select the line of the report output corresponding to the personnelnumber you wish to view.
            Choose the Details menu option in the screen header bar.
            A pop-up window appears containing more detailed information for yourselected personnel number.

            The Health Plan Costs for Flexible Benefits GB report can be used toproduce detailed cost data for your GB FlexBens health plans.