e-Filing for Great Britain: Report RPUEFI_UPDATE

You can execute report RPUEFI_UPDATE to generate the e-Filing UpdateManager.
However, you can also call the e-Filing Update Manager using thetransaction HREFI_UPDATE. This is the normal transaction you useto process all incoming forms. From the Update Manager, you canexamine the information from an incoming record, update the infotype inquestion, confirm that a record has ended in error and view thehistorical data.


The Update Manager transaction screen
This screen is divided into three sections (denoted by tab strips):
Displays all forms that have been successfully matched to an employee.These forms are waiting to be updated or to be confirmed in error. Eachline of the Worklist grid represents one incoming form to beupdated.
The Worklist also contains a Worklist Errors area,detailing processing errors for your selected employee group.
No N.I. Match
Displays all incoming forms that could not be successfully matched to anemployee.
The reporting screen allows you to make a selection on all records: bothPreviously Processed Records and Records Not Yet Processed

Update Administrator
The Update Administrator allows you to resolve e-FilingIncoming processing issues that cannot be corrected using theUpdate Manager. The transaction requires specific authorisationand allows you to perform additional functions so you do not need tomanually correct records in Master Data.
All non-processed records with the exception of duplicate records can beselected and processed using the Update Administrator. You callthe Update Administrator from the Update Manager bychoosing: Process -> Update Administrator.
The e-Filing Implementation and User Guide contains furtherdetailed information on report RPUEFI_UPDATE, the Update Managerand the Update Administrator. It also provides a comprehensiveoverview of the complete e-Filing process.
You can download the latest version of this document from the SAPService Marketplace (, under:Media Center -> e-Filing -> e-Filing Implementationand User Guide.

See also
The SAP Library for e-Filing Great Britain
Even if you have not installed the SAP Library CD, you can access theSAP Library from the SAP Help Portal, at this link page, choose the menu item Documentation and fromthe next screen, the menu item mySAP ERP. Select Englishas your language and the SAP Library is opened for you.
To access the e-Filing Great Britain section of the SAP Library, choose:SAP ERP Central Component -> Human Resources ->Personnel Management (PA) -> Personnel Administration (PA-PA)
-> Country-Specific Aspects of Personnel Administration ->e-Filing for Great Britain.