Programme SAP RPUDRIG1 - Drilldown Reporting: Posted Costs for an Employee


Drilldown Reporting for Posted Employee Costs

The report Drilldown Reporting: Posted Costs for an Employee(RPUDRIG1) produces a list of posted costs for a range of employees anda group of finance notions. Compared with the report DrilldownReporting on Personnel Numbers' (RPUDRIG0), report RPUDRIG1 runsexlusively on HR tables and uses the logical database PNP, which allowsa complex selection on personnel numbers. To execute this report, yourequire specific HR authorisations.
Data selection originates from the posting table containing thepersonnel number (PPOIX). Report RPUDRIG1 produces data for all postedcosts of an employee. For performance reasons, it is recommended thatyou limit the range of personnel numbers you wish to report on as muchas possible.
If you need to report from a cost object perspective ( for example, toproduce data on all personnel costs for a given cost center, you shouldexecute report RPUDRIG0.

The selection screen for report RPUDRIG1 is divided into several groupboxes:
Employee and date selection
Standard logical database selection screen
Cost object selection
Here you can select cost centers, internal orders or WBS elements bysingle values, ranges (from, to) or by using the appropriate groupdefinition. Complex patterns with wild cards (*) or 'excluding' are notpermitted.
The selected line items can be restricted to a set of wage types andcost elements.

Report RPUDRIG1 produces data in an SAP List Viewer (ALV) format. TheALV format provides you with various possibilities for displaying,sorting and cumulating your data. You can design and save yourpersonalised layout.