Programme SAP RPUDICB0 - Dimona confirmation file handling

This report enables you to process the confirmation files sent to theemployer by the National Office for Social Security, usually 10 daysafter the receipt file. A confirmation file is the legal proof that theNational Office for Social Security has processed the Dimonadeclarations and stored the data in the electronic personnel register.
The report lists declarations that have been accepted, declarations forwhich data has been added or corrected and declarations for whicherrors have been reported. In addition, it sets their status either toA (Accepted) or to C (Corrected by SI), whereafter the declarations inthe Dimona infotype (0735) are updated accordingly, providedthat they have been formally accepted by the National Office for SocialSecurity (status F).

This report is used in combination with the reports mentioned below.

You must have run the following reports successfully:

  • Prepare Dimona IT 735 declarations (RPUDIPB0

  • ),
    • Dimona declaration report (RPLDIDB0).
    • Selection
      Depending on your choice, you can either upload a logical file byspecifying the logical file name for Dimona, that is, HR_BE_DATAS
      ET_DIMONA, or specify the location where the file is stored to transferit from your local PC to the SAP system.
      In addition, you can specify whether you want to execute the report intest mode (default value) or not. If so, the declaration status ininfotype Dimona declarations (0735) remains unchanged.

      No standard variants delivered.

      The report generates a list containing the declaration data peremployer SI number.
      The toolbar enables you to:

      • Display all the declarations per file. An indicator informs you about
      • the status of the declaration: a red light means that the infotypeupdate has not been successful, a yellow light that data has beencorrected or errors have been reported by SI, a green light that thedeclaration has been processed successfully.
        • Display the data per declaration (Choose Details).

        • Display the errors detected by the National Office for Social Security
        • (Choose Errors).
          • See which declarations have been corrected by the National Office for
          • Social Security (Choose Corrections).
            • Display the declarations that could not be matched with the
            • corresponding records in the Dimona infotype (0735) (Choose
              • Display the records that have not been updated in the Dimona infotype (

              • 0735) (Choose No master data update).
                • Jump to report Process Dimona receipt file (RPUDIRB0

                • ) (Choose Receipt).
                  • Jump to the TemSE file viewer (RPUDIVB0) (Choose
                  • Viewer).
                    • Access the Belgian Social Security website (Choose Dimona on the
                    • web).
                      In addition, the Advanced List Viewer (ALV) provides you with a set oftools that give you insight into the reported data and allow you to setdifferent views and options for filtering and selecting data, exportdata to MS Excel and MS Word, send data as an attachment, or displaydata graphically.