Programme SAP RPUDBSE0 - Maintenance of tables T5E43/T5E44/T511P

Maintenance of tables T5E43/T5E44/T5E50

This program facilitates the system maintenance of tables carrying theminimum/maximum Social Insurance contribution bases, following theannually-published changes concerning the General Budgets Law
RPUDBSE0 is a model program that maintains data in the database, butwithout being connected to the transportation system.

The RPUDBSE0 program maintains the following tables:

  • T5E43 - Non-industrial risk contribution bases

  • T5E44 - IA and ID contribution bases

  • T5E50 - Part-time contract minimum bases
  • Selection parameters

    • Valid from: Enter the date from which the new data should come into
    • effect.
      • The amount fields should contain the amounts in force each year for the
      • maximum non-industrial risk contribution bases for the differentcontribution groups:
        Interprof. minimum wage
        Monthly basis (gr. 1-4)
        Monthly basis (gr. 5-11)
        Daily basis (gr. 5-11)
        • Update database: Flag this field to trigger the maintenance of data in
        • the database.
          Before making changes to the database, SAP recommends you run thereport in test mode, i.e. leaving initial parameter 'Update database'.

          Please check that the previous year's record and the new record arecorrectly delimited and contain the expected values.

167718CONSULT.: HRMS España - Novedades
1543312Contributions Amounts 2011
1494857RDL 2010/10: RED 2010/07 and RED 2010/09
1423429Contributions Amounts 2010
950697HR SP ES26 - Cambio 100
761253HR SP ES25 - Cambio 05
586473HR SP ES23: Cambio 17
585694CONSULT.: Cotizaciones año 2003