Programme SAP RPUCVZN0 - Care Insurance Board: Manual Entry of De-/Registrations or Updates

With this report you can manually enter registrations andderegistrations or updates. The report can be used in situations whereupdates cannot be determined automatically.

This report starts view Person Registration to/Deregistration fromHCIB (V_P05T_CVZ_REG).

In a normal situation you first execute the following report:
Select Persons for Registration with/Deregistration from HCIB(RPCVZPN0)
You must have change authorization in authorization object P_NL_LA06

At Selection you can select the required legalperson. Payroll year and Payroll period determine theperiod for which the messages for the update file are manually enteredor updated.

Execute the report Select Persons for Registrationwith/Deregistration from HCIB (RPCVZPN0) and manually enter thepersonnel numbers of those for whom you want to pass on a(de)registration or an update.
Save your data.
After that you can create the Registration/deregistration file byexecuting report Create Registrations/Deregistrations (RPCVZAN0).