Programme SAP RPUCVT30 - Convert table T030 for transactions HRC, HRF, HRD, HRK (Utility 4.0)

Report RPUCVT30 converts the HR symbolic account <-> G/L account/customer/vendor assignment (transactions HRF, HRC, HRD, HRK in tableT030) from a pre-4.0 SAP Release into the format that is used as ofRelease 4.0.

The actual symbolic accounts are converted in the HR applicationcomponent by XPRA RPU40CIP during the upgrade. The symbolic account isconverted from two characters to four, and the first two figures arenow the HR country grouping code (e.g. 01 for Germany, 10 for USA),whilst the last two figures are the original number of the symbolicaccount.

This program executes the corresponding conversion of the allocationsfrom the symbolic account to the FI account. The program must be runfor all HR country groupings for which payroll accounting results areto be transferred.
Please note that up until Release 3.1, it was possible to genericallyassign symbolic accounts to FI accounts for different employeegroupings for the account determination (e.g. entry '*D2' for allemployee groupings, symbolic account D2). As of Release 4.0, this isonly possible if an explicit setting is made to the symbolic account.In this case, the employee grouping would read SPACE.
Please check the program's warning messages before the productionstartup.

Country grouping 10
Previous entry: Symb acct G/L account
120 420000
220 430000
*21 421000
Converted entry: SymbAcct EmpGrp G/L acct
1020 1 420000
1020 2 430000
1021 421000

501046Error 3G203: Account with the following search key
122063Collective note: Posting payroll accounting 4.0