Programme SAP RPUCUC00 - PY_DEF

Check Payroll Results

You can use Report RPUCUC00 to check whether the date and payroll areaentries of the payroll results contain errors. Starting from theoriginal period, the system determines all the relevant retroactiveaccounting results and analyses the corresponding retroactiveaccounting chains. The system also takes into account any changes inlegal person.

The report can recognize the following error categories:

  • Retroactive payroll area change

  • The payroll area cannot be changed retroactively as this would lead toa difference between the fields for the payroll area (ABKRS) ininfotype 0001 (Organizational Assignment) and RGDIT (clusterdirectory). The report compares these two fields and outputs anydifferences between the two. The comparison is performed several timesif infotype 0001 shows at least one split for the corresponding period.
    • Incorrect payment date of payroll results

    • When the report checks the dates specified for individual original andretroactive accounting results it can recognize two errors:
      Results with the same in-period have for-period dates in the PAYDT(payment date) field that do not ascend correctly. The datespecifications in the retroactive accounting chain from the originalresults have therefore not been sorted correctly.
      Example: Retroactive accounting is started in period 4. If the paymentdate for period 3 in 4 is greater than the payment date for period 4 in4, there is an error in the retroactive accounting chain.
      Two results with the same for-period have different date specificationsin the PAYDT field (payment date),
      Example: Retroactive accounting is triggered in period 4. If thepayment date for period 3 in 4 is not the same as the payment date forperiod 3 in 3 there is an error in the payment date. In this case, thedate of the original result is normally seen as the correct value.
      • In the USA and Canada country versions only the payroll area is checked
      • for bonus payments with bonus types A and C. The check for an incorrectpayment date is not performed. This is valid as of Release 4.6C.
        • In the country version for Great Britain, the date specifications for
        • two results with the same for-period can differ from each other. Thiserror category is therefore not checked in this country version.

          You can enter the following selection criteria:

          • You can start the report for one personnel number or for a certain
          • number of personnel numbers
            • You can start the report for one or more payroll areas

            • You can enter a specific start date. In this case only the payroll
            • results from this date and the retroactive results will be checked.

              The report checks the payroll results that meet your selectioncriteria. If the report finds errors belonging to the above categories,they are displayed. The display is sorted by personnel numbers andascends according to original results.
              If you double click on the appropriate error message you can call upthe details for the error. You receive a list of all the values thatare differenct for the payroll area or the payment date. If the systemhas not been able to determine the correct default value for thepayment date, it only displays the incorrect value.