Programme SAP RPUCTP50 - Generate cumulation table T56C3

You use this report to create thecumulation intervals for acertain period by generating the entries in Table T56C3 (Date forCumulation Intervals). As of Release 4.6C this report replaces theReport RPUCTP10 (Generating the Calendar forCumulations and Deductions) for USA and Canada country versions.
During the payroll run the system assigns the payroll periods to thecreated cumulation intervals.


  • You implement a country version and release with out-of-sequence
  • checks; this means the country versions for USA or Canada as of Release4.6C. The report can only be started for these country versions.
    • You have already used Report RPUCTP00
    • (Generating Payroll Periods) to generate the payroll periods andpayment dates for your company. You should create cumulation intervalsfor the same period for which you have generated the payroll periods.

      The report reads data from the following tables:

      • T56C5 (Time-Based Window for Cumulation Table Entries)

      • The system reads the country grouping from this table and checkswhether it is a country version for which out-of-sequence checks arepermitted.
        • T56C2 (Permitted Cumulation Types)

        • The system reads the cumulation types (monthly,quarterly, half-yearly, or an unlimited interval) for the specifiedcountry grouping from this table.
          • T56C1 (Parameters for Cumulation Types)

          • The system reads the cumulation parameters fromthis table that are for cumulation types from table T56C2.It also readsthe start date of the cumulation interval.


            • Country grouping

            • If you have set the country grouing as a default in your userparameters, the system uses this entry. If you have not set a countrygrouping as a default, you can enter the country for which you want torun the report in the Country Grouping dialog box.
              • Carry out table changes

              • Note that you have to flag this field in order to generate thecumulation intervals. If you do not flag this field you carry out atest run. In this case the system only creates an output list, withoutactually creating the table entries in Table T56C3.

                The system creates an output list with the cumulation intervals for allthe different cumulation types for the period that you entered in theStart Year and End Year fields. These intervals arewritten to Table T56C3 if you have not carried out a test run.