Description This report can be used to generate other entries from the entries thatalready exist in table T549S. The primary keys for this table are:country grouping, period parameter, date modifier and payroll period(i.e., the number and year of the period). Table T549S contains information on the date(s) used in all payrollperiods. Date identifiers (dat.IDs) are used to distinguish between thedifferent types of dates. Dat.ID 01 usually signifies the payday forthe payroll period, for example. Different dat.IDs are then used toindicate the date on which the payroll program is run or the dates oftransactions posted to financial accounting. Different data items for one payroll period are usually divided byfixed time intervals. If the date for one dat.ID already exists intable T549S, the report generates further entries for the payrollperiod in table T549S once the dat.ID for the new date and the intervalin days have been specified. The following parameters must be set on the selection screen before thereport is run: If the user parameter for the country grouping has not been maintained,the system requires you to specify a value. If you fail to do so, thereport is cancelled. Period parameter and date modifier: these are the modifiers for thepayroll periods which are generated. They are the same for source andtarget records. Initial year, end year: the time interval for payroll periods for whichgeneration occurs. Generation starts in the first period of the initialyear and continues to the last period of the end year. Source date ID: the date stored for this date identifier is used as thebasis for generation. Target date ID: new entries are created for this date identifier. Difference in days: interval between source and target date in days. Ifthe date to be generated comes before the source date, a negative valuemust be specified. If no entry is made, the new date is identical tothe existing date. Carry out table change: the table is only enhanced if this flag is set.If the flag is not set, a test run occurs. View V_T549S, which can be accessed using transaction sm30, isavailable for table T549S. Precondition Each payroll area is assigned a period parameter and a date modifier intable T549A. Report RPUCTP00 must be used to generate the appropriate payrollperiods for all combinations of these two modifiers. The initial dateand final date for each period are created in table T549Q and the datefor date identifier 01 is created in table T549S. The date for this dat.ID can then be used as the basis for generatingfurther dates. Output The records containing the new dat.ID dates for the modifiers specifiedas selection parameters are added to table T549S. The new dates and the values from which they were generated are thendisplayed side-by-side in a list. If no flag has been set to ensure that the table is actually changed,this list is displayed only and no new entry is created in table T549S. Example You wish to generate the date of the payroll run for every period in the years 1995 to 1999 for date modifier 00 and period parameter 01 (which is normally used for monthly periods). The date used as the basis for this is the payday date, identified as dat.ID 01. Dat.ID 02 is used as the identifier for the date being generated, and the date itself is two days earlier than payday. The parameters must be set as follows: Period parameter 01 Date modifier 00 Initial year 1995 Final year 1999 Source date ID 01 Target date ID 02 Difference in days 2- |