Description Report RPUCRTJ0 can recreate table CRT as of a selected key date. Allpayroll results with pay date or bonus date after the key date areconverted. The report runs in the same way as the payroll driver. In the currentpayroll period, last available payroll result is imported. In theretroactivity payroll period, previous result of last for-period isimported. In the test mode, the database is not changed. *******************************NOTE************************************* Since the report changes payroll results, data from table PCL2 should besaved before a live payroll run takes place. If you change table CRT in the payroll schema without using functionsSETCU and ADDCU, then the report can not map this. For example, you wagetypes in table CRT using operation ADDWTC. The report then producesfalseresults, amongst other things, and should not be used. Output The conversion log is displayed as a tree. The log can be controlledusing the parameters on the selection screen: 'CRT log' displays the contents of table CRT. 'National cumulation log' displays the country-specific cumulation. 'Enhanced CRT log' shows how the individual wage types from the RT arecumulated in the CRT. When for-period is the same as in-period, the last available payrollresult is imported, and it is displayed as 'LastSeqNo'. However, whenfor-period is not same as in-periodm previous result of last for-periodis imported, and it is displayed as 'PrevSeqNo'. |