Programme SAP RPUCPSN0 - Conversion Report for Changeover from T5N1Q to T5N5Q

RPUCPSN0: Conversion Report for Changeover from T5N1Q to T5N5Q

This conversion report is used to convert the existing entries for theselection period in table T5N1Q and the corresponding text table T5N1Rto the new tables T5N5N, T5N5O, T5N5P, T5N5Q and T5N5R. This shouldsimplify the changeover from the old pension calculation functionNPS00 (based ontable T5N1Q) to the new pension calculation functionNPS02 (whichuses T5N5Q).
The following conversion logic is used:

  • For pension indicators 001 to 009 in T5N1Q the system creates both
  • pension indicators in T5N5Q and pension schemes in T5N5N andT5N5P. Thecorresponding texts in T5N1R are transferred to both T5N5O and T5N5R.In these cases, the field T5N1Q-FONDS of the corresponding pensionscheme is also written to T5N5P-FONDS
    • For the other pension indicators the system only creates pension
    • indicators in T5N5Q and texts in T5N5R.
      • For pension indicators 001 to 009 in T5N1Q, the system fills the wage
      • types for pensionable salaries and contributions (/150-/167, /381-/389,/3P1-/3P9 en /3PA-/3PR) that are used in functionNPS00 in T5N5Q.These fields are not filled for other pension indicators.
        • The routine indicator in field T5N1Q-RKPFS is converted to a
        • corresponding indicator in T5N5Q-RCODE .
          • T5N1Q-MANDT --> T5N5Q-MANDT

          • T5N1Q-PENSK --> T5N5Q-PENSK

          • T5N1Q-ENDDA --> T5N5Q-ENDDA

          • T5N1Q-BEGDA --> T5N5Q-BEGDA

          • T5N1Q-WGPP1 --> T5N5Q-PP_WG

          • T5N1Q-WGPP2 --> not converted

          • T5N1Q-WNPP1 --> T5N5Q-PP_WN

          • T5N1Q-WNPP2 --> not converted

          • T5N1Q-OPPP1 --> T5N5Q-OPWG1

          • T5N1Q-OPPP2 --> T5N5Q-OPWG2

          • T5N1Q-WNPP2 --> not converted

          • T5N1Q-MAPPR --> T5N5Q-MXPWG en T5N5Q-MXPWN

          • T5N1Q-MIPPR --> T5N5Q-MNPWG en T5N5Q-MNPWN

          • T5N1Q-GRPP1 --> not converted

          • T5N1Q-DRPPR --> T5N5Q-MNGWG en T5N5Q-MNGWN

          • T5N1Q-FRPPR --> T5N5Q-FRCWN

          • T5N1Q-LEEFZ --> T5N5Q-MNLFT

          • T5N1Q-STLFT --> T5N5Q-STLFT

          • T5N1Q-STPCT --> T5N5Q-STPCT

          • T5N1Q-RKHER --> not converted, T5N5Q-RKHER has another meaning

          • T5N1Q-TKHER --> T5N5Q-PTBER

          • T5N1Q-RKPFS --> T5N5Q-RCODE (corresponding value)

          • T5N1Q-INSTL --> not converted

          • T5N1Q-FRPPR2 --> T5N5Q-FRCWG

          • T5N1Q-FONDS --> T5N5P-FONDS (only for pension indicators 001 to 009)

          • If the field T5N1Q-STLFT contains a value, then the field T5N5Q-STPRD
          • is filled with value '01'.
            • By default, the field T5N5Q-NRATO (Factoring) is set to 'X' .

            • By default, fields T5N5Q-AFRWG and T5N5Q-AFRWN (Rounding Methods for ER
            • and EE Contributions) are set to '1' (Normal Rounding to 2 decimals).

              This conversion report is only a tool. Of course, after the conversionyou must check the settings for tables T5N5N to T5N5R, and completeand/or change them where necessary. In addition, you must perform theother actions described in the documentation of functionNPS02 for thispayroll function to be successfully applied. Finally, a detailed testis advisable.