Purpose This report enables you to convert table Rules for the BELCOTAX file>(T5BT7) to the new table Belgium tax declaration, assign wages tozone> (T5BX4). The first table is used within the BELCOTAX reportingframework and the new table is used within the new BELCOTAX/FINPROFframework.Prerequisites
- The new fields in table Belgium tax declaration, assign wages to
zone> (T5BX4) have to be maintained manually by the customer. It isalso advisable to check whether the data has been convertedsuccessfully.
- Do not execute the conversion report twice in productive mode in case
you have chosen for the option Convert T5BT7 to T5BX4>.Features Per default, this report is run in test mode. Mark the field Executeconversion> to perform the conversion.Selection The field Convert T5BT7 to T5BX4 >>enables you to converttable Rules for the BELCOTAX file> (T5BT7) to the new tableBelgium tax declaration, assign wages to zone> (T5BX4). The firsttable is used within the BELCOTAX reporting framework and the new tableis used in the new BELCOTAX/FINPROF framework. The field Check T5BX4> customizing enables you to check thecustomizing of table Belgium tax declaration, assign wages to zone(T5BX4) after the conversion. It is advisable to check whether the datahas been converted successfully. The field Data selection period> enables you to select the desiredtime frame for the data conversion. All entries that fall at leastpartly within the selection period will be selected. The field Fiche 281 code> refers to two last digits of the valuein field Fiche281 code> (BV281) code in infotype Fiscal Data B>(0101). Example: fiche281 code has a value Fiche 281.10>. Thereferred value is 10>. The values are defined in table T5B17-field FICHE. The checkbox Execute conversion >enables you to convert the oldtable Rules for the BELCOTAX file >(T5BT7) in the new tableBelgium tax declaration, assign wages to zone (T5BX4).Output In the log, the following columns will be displayed: the fiche 281 code,the wagetype, the validity period, the sign, the payroll field, theBelco zone, the second fiche, the indication of the BELCOTAX sum type,whether negative amounts are allowed or not and the voucher number. In case the report has been running in productive mode, the tableBelgium tax declaration, assign wages to zone >(T5BX4) will beupdated as well.Activities Mark the field Execute conversion> if necessary. Choose Execute> (F8) to run the report. A log file will bedisplayed, showing whether the conversion has been succesfull ordisplaying possible errors that might have occurred during theconversion.