Programme SAP RPU512WS - Reference to RPU12W0S

Short Description
The report RPU512WS allows you to
BACKUP: create a complete or partial backup of T512W with a
generic key, or
RELOAD: retrieve a backup created with BACKUP either in
full or using a generic key.

Tables T512W and T599U are not locked by RPU512WS!
If you want to prevent another user from changing one of the tableswhile you save/reload data, you can lock the tables in an alternativemode with SM31->Maintain. However, you should make no changes there.

Version : Version number under which
the backup is stored.
Generic key (without client) : Generic key if only parts
are to be saved or reloaded.
The key is set up as follows:
M for the country version
L for wage type
N for not used (' ' )
E for end date.

Description of functions
The backup is stored in table T599U and a VERT512Wiii created. For eachline you save, the report creates an entry with aDATT512Wiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa key and a function part which corresponds tothe function part of T512W.
'iii' is the internal version number which is the complement of theversion number entered under 'Version' (thus internal version number =999 - parameter version).
'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' is the 15-character key part of T512W (without theclient).
If want to create a backup, table T599U should not contain VER and DATentries for the specified version number.
If you want to reload data, table T512W may contain entries with thesame key as the backup. However, these are overwritten by the backup.

Related reports
RPU512WK : Reloads individual processing, cumulation and
evaluation classes from the backup.
RPU599UA : Displays T599U
RPU5XXXL : Generically deletes entries in T599U, T512W or T512T.