Programme SAP RPU512W0 - Convert Table T512W ( > Documentation)

You can use this report to convert modifiers in table T512W (seebelow).
Meaning of the parameters:
MODLGART Two-digit modifier
Country grouping from table 500L:
01 Germany
02 Switzerland
03 Austria
All wage types with this modifier are processed.
VBLGART Four-character selection option for the wage type
You can use this parameter to limit the range of
wage types (for the specified modifier).
When entering these values, take into account the
EBCDIC code sequence: / is less than A,...,Z
and Z is less than 0,...,9 .
VKLAS-NR Two-digit number
To change the specification (value) of a processing
class, enter the current processing class number
and specify the new value in the next field.
If the parameter 'Checks' is marked, the system checks
if documentation exists for the processing class.
VKLAS-VA One character
Enter a value here only if you have made an entry in the
the above field.
Note: If the value is 'blank', enter the character specified
in the parameter BLANK (see below).
If the parameter 'Checks' is marked, the system checks if
documentation is available for the processing class.
AKLAS-NR Two-digit number
To change the value (specification) of an evaluation class,
enter the two-digit evaluation class number in this field
and specify the new value in the next field.
If the parameter 'Checks' is marked, the system checks if
documentation exists for the evaluation class.
AKLAS-VA Two characters
Enter a value here only if you have made an entry in the
above field.
Note: If the value is 'blank', enter the character specified
in the parameter BLANK.
If the parameter 'Checks' is marked, the system checks if
documentation exists for the processing class.
KUMUL-NR Two-digit number
To change the value of a cumulation, enter the two-digit
cumulation number in this field and specify the new value
in the next field.
If the parameter 'Checks' is marked, the system checks if
documentation exists for the related cumulation wage type
(/1nn) (table T512T).
KUMUL-VA One character
Enter a value here only if you have made an entry in the
above field.
Permissible values (Y/N) depend on the user language
(table T596U). The system converts these values and storesthem as 1/0.
DURGL-ZE One-digit number between 1 and 5
Since table T512W contains several lines for calculation
of average bases, you must first specify the line (DURGL-ZE)
and then enter the type of change in the field below.
DURGL-AW Three characters
Enter a value here only if you have made an entry in the
above field.
When calculating the basis for averages, you can choosewhich of the three wage type fields (BPE/ANZ/BTR) should
be cumulated; specify this by entering Y/N for one of the
above three fields. If you enter YYY or NNN, all three or
none of the fields are cumulated respectively.
DURGL-NR Two-digit number
Enter a value here only if you have made an entry in the
DURGL-ZE field.
To change the value of an average basis, enter the
two-digit average basis number in this field and specify
the new value in the following field.
If the parameter 'Checks' is marked, the system checks if
documentation exists for the related average basis
cumulation wage type (/2nn) (table 512T).
DURGL-VA One character
Enter a value in this field only if you have made an entry
in the above field.
Permissible values (Y/N) depend on the user language
(table 596U). The system converts these values and stores
them as 1/0.
CHECK X or blank
If this checkbox is marked, checks are carried out.
BLANK One digit indicator which may not have the value ' '
This indicator is used to reset the characteristics of
a processing class (see VKLAS-VA) or evaluation class
(see AKLAS-VA).
PASSWORD 12 characters maximum
Use your logon name. If you do not use this name or if
you enter an incorrect name, T512W is not converted.
Do not use this report simply for test purposes as it may
be run only once. If conversion is unsuccessful, you must
load the backup.
The conversion report locks table T512W. If, for some reason, thistable cannot be locked, coversion is terminated with an error message.