Programme SAP RPU51000_OLD - Simple Standard Pay Increase for Indirectly Valuated Wage Types

You can use this report to perform pay scale changes. The report changesthe entries in the Pay Scale Groups table (T510).
You can use the following selection criteria to determine the tableentries to be changed:

  • Country Grouping

  • Pay Scale Type

  • Pay Scale Area

  • EESGGrpg for Coll. Agmt Prov. (Employee subgroup grouping for
  • collective agreement provision)
    • Pay Scale Group

    • Pay Scale Level

    • Wage Type

    • Valid From Date

    • All table entries in the Pay Scale Groups table (T510) that arevalid on the specified Valid From Date are selected.
      You can perform the pay scale changes using either a percentage rate ora constant base amount. You can use the following selection criteria forthis: Percentage Rate and Basic Amount (Currency). If youenter a percentage rate and a base amount simultaneously, the reportfirst performs the percentage and then the constant change to the amount
      You can also limit the change amount. You can use the followingselection criteria to do this: Minimum amount (currency) andMaximum amount (currency). The wage type amount is increased atleast by the specified minimum amount, and at most by the specifiedmaximum amount.
      You can round off the result of the pay scale change. You can use thefollowing selection criteria to do this: Rounding amount (currency)
      and Rounding type. The rounding amount indicates the integralmultiple to which the amount is to be rounded off. The rounding typedetermines whether or not the amount is rounded up or down.

      The report usually lists the Overall View for all selected tableentries with the old and new amounts.
      You now have the following options:

      • View of old pay scales

      • Only the old amounts for each of the selected table entries are listed.
        • View of new pay scales

        • Only the new amounts for each of the selected table entries are listed.
          • Overall view

          • The old and the new amounts for each of the selected table entries arelisted.
            • Save new pay scales or Save

            • The new amounts for all selected table entries are saved in the PayScale Groups table (T510).
              • Save old pay scales or Save.

              • When you have saved the new amounts for all selected table entries, youcan undo the changes again in the Pay Scale Groups table (T510),provided you have not yet ended the report.
                • The report checks whether or not you are authorized to display and
                • change the Pay Scale Groups table (T510).
                  • When setting up a relevant client, the table changes are automatically
                  • written to a transport request.