Programme SAP RPU46AJP_COMMUTER_RJ - Conversion program for commuting allowance WT in RJ

This report converts the commuting allowance related data in cluster RJand YJ.



User assigns their wage types to each type of commuting allowance inthe selection screen.
Execute this report in test mode
Check the result and correct data, if necessary
Execute in convert mode

If user assigns Wage Types as follows:

  • Commuting pass(monetary):,,,,A002

  • Commuting pass(in kind):,,,,A003

  • Non-commerc. trans.(monetary):,,A022

  • Non-commerc. trans.(in kind):,,,,A023

  • Report creates following Wage Types in cluster RJ and YJ:
    • /5C4 ,,Total amount of A002 and A022

    • /5C5 ,,Total amount of A003 and A023

    • /5C1 ,,Total amount of A002, A003, A022, A023 and /533
    • Note:
      WT for Houshu by commuting allowance (/5C2 and /5C3) can not begenerated, because /534 and /535 can include other allowance.