Programme SAP RPU46AJP_COMMUTER_IT - Conversion commuting data in IT0014 and IT0015 to IT0559

This report converts commuting allowance data in Infotype 0014/0015 toInfotype 0559 data and converts related table(ASSHR) and deletecommuting data in Infotype 0014/0015.

If user added their original field to Infotype 0014 and Infotype 0015,following activities are necessary.
Check your add-on field's attribute.
Add new field to Infotype 0559 of which attribute is same as theoriginal field in Infotype 0014 and Infotype 0015.
If the attribute of add-on field of Infotype 0014 or Infotype 0015 isnot same as Infotype 0559's one, conversion may fail.


This report has following function:

  • Simulation of conversion from Infotype 0014/0015 to Infotype 0559

  • This function displays result of conversion from Infotype 0014/0015 toInfotype 0559 and number of ASSHR entries to be converted without anydata change. User uses this function to check before conversion.
    • Conversion from Infotype 0014/0015 to Infotype 0559

    • This function creates batch-input session to create new Infotype 0559data. Each record of Infotype 0014/0015 creates one Infotype 05559record.
      • Delete 'Retr.acct.payr.' flag from T582A.

      • This function deletes Retroactive accounting relevance for payroll keyfrom T582A. User must execute this function before execution ofbatch-input session to prevent unnecessary retroactive calculation.
        • Conversion of table ASSHR

        • ASSHR keeps keys of Infotype (Infotype No, subtype, begin date, enddate, sequential No, object ID) to connect Infotype data to CO area.This function creates batch-input session to change Infotype No,subtype and sequential No to adapt to new Infotype 0559 data. IfInfotype 0014 and 0015 data are not equal with the data which is usedwhen Conversion from Infotype 0014/0015 to Infotype 0559 was executed,this conversion may fail. Therefore user should better execute thisfunction just after execution of Conversion from Infotype 0014/0015 toInfotype 0559.
          • Conversion of field REFEX of Infotype 0014/0015 to Infotype 0559

          • REFEX is the common key field of Infotype. This flag is written if therecord is assigned to specific cost center. If Infotype 0014 and 0015data are not equal with the data which is used when Conversion fromInfotype 0014/0015 to Infotype 0559 was executed, this conversion mayfail. Therefore user should better execute this function just afterexecution of batch-input session for conversion from Infotype 0014/0015to Infotype 0559 and ASSHR.
            • Delete all Infotype 0559 data

            • This function deletes all Infotype 0559 data. User uses this functionwhen he finds the error in converted data.
              • Delete commuting allowance data in Infotype 0014

              • This function deletes selected Wage types in Infotype 0014 directlyfrom data base. User uses this function after conversions.
                • Delete commuting allowance data in Infotype 0015

                • This function deletes selected Wage types in Infotype 0015 directlyfrom data base. User uses this function after conversions.
                  • Set 'Retr.acct.payr.' flag from T582A.

                  • This function sets Retroactive accounting relevance for payroll keyfrom T582A. User must execute this function after all activity by thisreports.

                    Simulation of conversion from Infotype 0014/0015 to Infotype 0559
                    Conversion from Infotype 0014/0015 to Infotype 0559
                    Delete 'Retr.acct.payr.' flag from T582A
                    Conversion of table ASSHR
                    Execute batch-input sessions
                    Conversion of field REFEX of Infotype 0014/0015 to Infotype 0559
                    Set 'Retr.acct.payr.' flag from T582A
                    Delete commuting allowance data in Infotype 0014
                    Delete commuting allowance data in Infotype 0015


                    • Before execution of batch input session, user must have deleted
                    • Retr.acct.payr. flag from T582A to prevent retroactive calculationoccurred by this conversion.
                      • As to Conversion of Infotype 0014/0015 to Infotype 0559 and conversion
                      • of ASSHR create batch-input session. But, all other functions exceptfor simulation modify Data Base data directly.
                        • ASSHR is the table to connect Infotype data to CO area. If user did not
                        • use cost assignment function in Infotype 0014/0015, conversion is notnecessary.
                          • REFEX is the common key field of Infotype. This flag is written if the
                          • record is assigned to cost center. Therefore if user did not use costassignment function in IT0014 and IT0015, conversion is not necessary.
                            • User should not add new commuting data in Infotype 0014/0015 in
                            • conversion procedure. These data cant be converted.
                              • Infotype 0014 data which contains "1st payment period"(P0014-ZFPER) and
                              • "Interval in periods"(Q0014-ZNPER) cannot be converted to Infotype0559.