Programme SAP RPU40CC2 - Convert infotype 380

During migration from release 4.0A or 4.0B to release 4.5A (or higher),this report (RPU40CC2) must be started. The report carries out theconversion for infotypes 0380 (compensation adjustment) and 0382(stocks).

Affected infotype tables

  • PA0380 (Compensation adjustment)

  • The following fields are filled for each record:
    Compensation area (from the compensation area characteristic)
    Compensation component (from table T71CA: Compensation adjustment type)and
    Object ID (with the value of the adjustment reason field)
    The status administration of compensation adjustments is also changed:
    Adjustments with 'submitted' status were previously represented byinfotype records with 'planned' status with an initial lock indicator.The status is set to 'submitted' for these records.
    Adjustments that have been approved were previously represented by twoinfotype records. One record had 'approved' status and an initial lockindicator, and the other record was locked with 'active' status. (Allother key fields are equal.) If the conversion report finds two recordsof this type, the record with status 'active' is deleted, and the lockindicator of the other record is set to 'X' (locked).
    Adjustments with 'active' status were previously represented by twoinfotype records per adjustment. One record had 'approved' status andan initial lock indicator, while the other record had 'active' statusand an initial lock indicator. (All other key fields are equal.) If thereport finds two records of this type, the record with 'approved'status is deleted.
    • PA0382 (Long-term incentive)

    • The following fields are filled for each record:
      Compensation area (from the compensation area characteristic) and
      Compensation component (from table T71CA: Compensation adjustment type)