Programme SAP RPU40C03 - XPRA Time Management CC1: Conversion of Tables and Infotype 0050

The grouping of attendance and absence reasons and external wage typesusing the "grouping for connection to subsystem" BDEGRhas now been replaced by the "grouping of attendance/absence reasons"GRAWG and the "grouping for connection to external wagetypes" GRELG.
The new groupings are administrated in the following tables:
T705I Grouping of attendance/absence reason
T705L Description of grouping of attendance/absence reason
T705J Grouping of external wage types
T705M Description of grouping of external wage types
The table contents are available after the transfer as a copy of thetwo tables:
T705T Grouping for subsystem connection
T705X Description of grouping for subsystem connection
The following tables have been replaced as specified:
T555D by T705A Attendance/absence reasons for subsystem
T555G by T705H Attendance/absence reasons for subsystem texts
T555W by T705K External wage types for subsystem
T5550 by T705Q Long texts for external wage types from subsystem
The contents of the T555x tables is copied directly to thecorresponding T705x tables, and the old groupings are replaced by thenew ones.
The two new groupings are copied to infotype 0050. The value from the"grouping for subsystems" is copied to the two new groupings.

The transfer takes place for each client. It is only carried out if allthe new tables are initial and the new fields in infotype 0050 are notfilled. If these conditions are not met, the transfer will not takeplace in the corresponding client.