Programme SAP RPU40A99_T512B - XPRA: Adjust Table T512B After Upgrade from 3.1I

In Release 3.1I the field APPLICATION (Application Indicator forTable T512W) is missing from table T512B (Table to Backup T512W).When you upgrade your system to a higher release, this field is insertedin the table. The field is initially empty. This XPRA fills the emptyfield with the value B. The value B (= "Backup") specifiesthat the data is a backup copy of table T512W.
For more information, see the documentation about programsRPU12W0S (Save/Delete a Backup Version of TableT512W) and RPU12W0C (Reload T512W from BackupTable T512B) and the SAP Notes 447984 and 605878.

To be able to reload a backup copy of wage type table T512W usingprogram RPU12W0C in a higher release, you must execute this XPRA first.

You are upgrading from Release 3.1I to a higher release.
To reduce the XPRA's runtime, use program RPU12W0S to delete the backupcopies from table T512B in Release 3.1I that you no longer need.

This XPRA runs automatically when upgrading from Release 3.1I to ahigher release. You can execute it more than once.
You can exclude the XPRA from the upgrade phase. In this case, you mustexecute it directly after the upgrade from Release 3.1I, before goinglive in the higher Release.

The XPRA selects all the lines of the table for which the fieldAPPLICATION is empty.

You receive a success message or an error message that gives youdetailed information about the errors that occur.

605878T512B: Reloading with RPU12W0C is not complete