Programme SAP RPU31IN1 - HR NL: Fiscal Yr.Change 97/98 Infotype 0060 Tax Bracket '0' ==> ' '

In 1998 a new tax class was introduced in the Netherlands. Tax class 0can be entered in infotype 60 as well as in field P0060-TARGR (TaxClass) and field P0060-ATRFG (Different Tax Class).
Until the legislation was changed these fields belonged to data typeNUMC (Numeric Character). It was impossible to store the new tax classfor this data type, because value 0 was the initial value.
For this reason, the fields belong to data type CHAR from now on, forwhich the initial value is ' '.
The table conversion as a result of the DDIC change does not remove thevalue 0, which is why the initial value 0 for this report should be setto value ' '.
The program is run automatically during the upgrade. It can be repeatedat any time, because it only manipulates records for initial fieldsP0060-VERSI (Version Number). During conversion the data record versionnumber is set to 1.


