Programme SAP RPU30021 - Generate Table T703J for Incentive Wages

Prior to Release 3.0E, cumulations in Incentive Wages were controlledusing tables T703L, T703O, T703E or the cumulationrules of the time tickets. As of Release 3.0E, cumulations arecontrolled centrally using the view cluster VC_T703J which formsthe basis of the new time-dependent table T703J. Cumulationrules can no longer be specified on time tickets rendering tableT703E invalid. Table T703O and fields in tableT703L which relate to cumulations are no longer evaluated aswell.
You can use this report to generate table T703J automatically.The report converts the the cumulation controls which are stored intables T703L and T703O to the rules in tableT703J.
You can use the report if you upgraded your system from a release priorto 3.0E to Release 3.0E or higher and want to use the new cumulations.Make sure to specify the old release on the initial screen, as tablesT703L and T703O in releases prior to 3.0A have adifferent significance than releases from 3.0A to 3.0D.

After the report is run, check the cumulation rules generated in theSet cumulation rules step in the ImplementationGuide (IMG).
Refer to release note Cumulations inIncentive Wages for additional information.