Programme SAP RPU30004 - Conversion of Tables T588A,B,C,D

This program is used to edit the following tables:

  • T588A - Transaction codes

  • T588B - Infotype menus

  • T588C - Infotype menus / infogroups

  • T588D - Info groups for events

  • T588G - Field-by-field retroactive accounting indicator

  • The texts of generated reports RPH00nnn are also adapted to
  • the new terminolgy.
    The program can be repeated at any time; entries that have already beenconverted or already exist are not overwritten.
    The steps in detail:
    • Transaction codes (T588A)

    • The menu category field (T588A-MNTYP) can contain the following values:
      'I' if T588A-ITMEN is not set to the initial value
      'M' if T588A-MSMEN is not set to the intial value and T588A-TCLASequals 'A'
      'B' if T588A-MSMEN is not set to the intial value and T588A-TCLAS
      equals 'B'
      The contents of T588A-MSMEN are moved to T588A-ITMEN; T588A-ITMEN isassigned the new meaning Menu.
      • Infotype menus (T588B)

      • Transactions for master data maintenance which do not have the Goto option have the Other menu pushbutton instead. Entries arestored in table T588B under menu category 'S'. The program copies themenus to all clients without category 'S' entries.
        • Menus / info groups (T588C)

        • This table is a check table for menus and info groups. All entries inT588B (menus) and T588D (info groups) are checked for an entry in T588C;if no entry exists, then one is added.
          • Field-by-field retroactive accounting indicator (T588G)

          • The table key contains the names of the table from which the fieldsoriginate.
            This table is filled using the entries in T588F.