Purpose You use this program to create a backup copy of the wage types fromtable T512W before an upgrade or before importing an HR Support Package(HR SP). This is necessary because you often have to change entries intable T512W that are in the SAP namespace. So that your changes are notoverwritten during the upgrade or import of an HR SP, you must savetable T512W beforehand in table T512B and then reload it after theupgrade or import of an HR SP. You can also create a backup copy if you change entries in table T512Wand want to keep a copy of the previous status in case you want to beable to restore it. You can also use this program to delete an existing backup copy. Integration To reload an existing backup copy, use the programRPU12W0C> (Reload T512W from Backup Table T512B) >.Features You can create a backup copy for the entire table T512W or just forparts of it. The system stores the number of the backup copy in table T599U andthe wage types in table T512B. For more information, see thedocumentation on the version number>.Selection
- Version number>
- Generic key>
If you only want to save parts of the table, specify here which entriesof table T512W SAP R/3 should create a backup copy for. The generic keyis formed according to the principle MMLLLLEEEEEEEE and is made up ofthe following elements: MM = country grouping LLLL = wage type(s) EEEEEEEE = Validity end date of wage type(s) The first four digits must contain the year, the next two, the month,and the final two the day (for example, 20030511). The generic key cannot contain an asterisk (*). You do not have to enterthe entire key, but it must start with the first character (M) and becomplete up to the character you want to determine. For example, you canenter MMLLL (wage types starting with LLL for country grouping MM) or MM(only the country grouping). However, you cannot enter **LLLL (wage typeLLLL for all country groupings). If you enter the complete generic key, you save one wage type. Example> If you want to create a backup copy of all wage types for countrygrouping 04 that begin with the letter M, enter 04M>in this field.
- Description>
If required, enter a short description of your backup copy. The systemstores the short description with your user ID, date, time, and releasein field F of table T599U.