Programme SAP RPU12W0C - Restore T512W from Backup Table T512B

You use this program to reload a backup copy of the wage types fromtable T512B to table T512W. The program only reloads the wage types fromtable T512B that are also available in table T512W. Since you no longerneed wage types that are deleted with an HR Support Package or whosevalidity end date is changed in table T512W, you cannot reload thesewage types from table T512B.

You have created the backup copy using program RPU12W0S
(Save/Delete a Backup Version of Table T512W).

You can reload the entire backup copy. To do so, select all theindicators on the selection screen.
You can choose to reload only the following parts of the backup copy:

  • Specific or all processing classes

  • Specific or all cumulations

  • Specific or all evaluation classes

  • All valuation bases

  • All average valuation bases
  • Selection

    • Version number

    • Country grouping, wage type and End date

    • Enter the data that you specified when creating the backup copy as ageneric key.
      You used program RPU12W0S to create a backup copy of all wage types forcountry version 04 (Spain) that begin with the letter M. You havespecified 04M as the generic key. To reload this backup copy,enter the following:
      Country grouping: 04
      Wage type: M*
      End date: no entry
      • Password

      • Enter your user ID.

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