Programme SAP RPU12800 - Model Batch Input Report for IT0128 Subtype 2: Pers.Notif.

Report RPU12800 is a model report for creating batch input sessions forinfotype 0128 subtype 2, personal notifications. Please use thestandard fast data entry functions to enter records for subtype 1,general notifications, en masse.
Report RPU12800 must be enhanced by the user. Please create a copy ofthe report in the customer name range and then modify the copy. Thechanges can be restricted to the FORM routine FILL_INPUT at the end ofthe coding. Within this routine, the infotype data for the personnelnumber currently selected (available in the field pernr-pernr) must beplaced in the inputdata field string; alternatively, the text of thepersonal notification must be placed in the internal table inputtext.This can be effected, for example, by reading data from an externalfile. The structure of the field string and of the internal table canbe ascertained from the definition at the beginning of the report. Thetext table inputtext enables you to use the field tdformat to specifythe line format according to the SAPScript standard. If you want tospecify raw text, use '/(' as the format indicator. If you requirefurther information on line formatting, please refer to the onlinedocumentation on SAPScript.

Infotype 0128 must be implemented. This is ensured in the standard R/3System as of release 3.0D.

The report creates a batch input session whose attributes can bespecified in the report selection screen. General information onprocessing and analyzing batch input sessions is included in the onlinedocumentation.