Description Report RPU10F10 reads the pay scale information (pay scale type, areaand indicator) from Organizational Assignment (0001) and Basic Pay(0008) records for the selected personnel numbers and time period, anddetermines the period parameter (PERMO). This information is transferred to table T510W. If the infotype recordsfor one pay scale assignment have different period parameters, theperiod parameter which occurs most often is transferred to table T510W.The other combinations appear as a 'minority' listing. The number oftimes each combination occurs is also displayed. When converting from 3.0C to 3.0D, you should run this report for allpersonnel numbers and all data time periods. Entries from T510 which have not yet been taken into account are alsotransferred. However, the 'period parameter' (PERMO) field is notfilled. Entries in these fields can be added, if required, using thetable maintenance function. |