Programme SAP RPU006R0 - Conversion for Address Format change - Singapore

Conversion for Address Format Change - Singapore (RPU006R0)

The Government of Singapore has specified a format for storing theaddresses of employees. This program converts the address stored in theAddress infotype (0006) from the old format to the prescribedformat.


  • You can change the employee addresses using a selection criteria to
  • choose from a set of employee records.
    • The old as well as the new address after conversion is displayed so
    • that you can modify the existing address before updating it toAddress Infotype (0006).
      • The old addresses are stored in a temporary sequential file that is
      • created automatically when the program is executed. This file serves asa backup.
        • A user specific temporary sequential file is also created, which acts
        • as a buffer and is deleted at the end of the report.
          • You can display the statistics for the conversion program. This lists
          • the personnel numbers and other details of all the employees for whomthe Addresses infotype (006) has not yet been updated.
            • You can display messages after executing the program to check the
            • status of conversion.

              Selection Parameters

              • Enter the selection parameters to choose the employees for whom the
              • address conversion has to be done. This selection can be based onpersonnel number, employee group, employee subgroup, personal area orsub area, payroll area and so on.
                Additional Parameters
                • Enter the sub type for which you want to run this conversion program.
                • If you want to leave this field blank, all the available sub types ofAddresses infotype (0006) will be selected by the program.
                  • Enter the company code for which the addresses are being converted.
                  • This is a mandatory field. The company code is also used to identifythe name of the temporary sequential file since this filename containsthe company code that is entered here.
                    • Enter the number of records after which you want an Auto Backup to be
                    • performed. The number of records specified here determine the rate atwhich the employees records in the old address format will betransferred to the Temporary sequential file after the updating theAddresses infotype (0006).
                      For optimum performance, SAP recommends that you specify between 10 to50 records.
                      • To execute the program, choose Program -> Execute.

                      • To display statistics for the conversion program, choose Program ->
                      • Statistics.
                        • To display any error messages raised by the conversion program, choose
                        • Program -> Messages.
                          SAP recommends that you read the messages after every execution of thisprogram to check the status of conversion.