Programme SAP RPT_TMW_CUST_UPDATE_TCVIEW - TMW Customizing: Report for Generating TCVIEW Entries

In the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Personnel Time ManagementTime Manager's Workplace in the Screen Areas section, youcan use various IMG activities to define field selections and layoutsfor the following screen areas:

  • Employee list

  • Employee information

  • Time data recording: Multi-day view

  • Time data recording: Multi-person view

  • Time data recording: One-day view

  • Detail area

  • When you save the settings in these IMG activities, the system alsowrites entries to the TCVIEW table, as well as to the correspondingCustomizing tables. The TCVIEW table contains administrative informationfor the administrator- and user-specific display variants of the TMWscreen areas.
    In some situations, an inconsistency between the entries in theCustomizing tables and the entries in the TCVIEW table may arise. Thismeans that the appearance of the screen areas differs from theCustomizing settings they are based on. This may lead to theTABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX program terminating when you start theapplication.
    The RPT_TMW_CUST_UPDATE_TCVIEW program deletes any existingadministrator- and user-specific display variants relevant for the TMWfrom the TCVIEW table and uses the entries in the Customizing tables toform new administrator-specific display variants.
    Once you have run the program, you have to create the user-specificdisplay variants again.

    Enter the relevant screen areas in the selection screen of the program.You must enter at least one screen area.
    Set the Update TCVIEW table indicator. If you do not, the programruns in test mode.
    Set the Output log indicator.
    Choose Execute.
    The program issues a log with the following information:

    • Number of entries in the Customizing tables

    • Number of selected screen areas and field selections

    • Number of deleted and newly generated entries in the TCVIEW table (the
    • total for each combination of screen area and field selection and theoverall total). In test runs, the program outputs the value zero forthese totals.