Description This report creates statistics on absences for the period of one year.This function is used primarily for the analysis of absenteeism due tosickness. Precondition By specifying the desired absence types you can choose e.g. whether youwant to include maternity leave in the statistics. The reporting period can be specified by entering the end month. Thestatistics generated will be based on the entire year preceding themonth entered. When determining the number of cases of sickness and their duration,subsequent periods of sickness can be regarded as one sickness period. Parameter "End Month/Year" Last month of the overview; default value is the previous month. Parameter "Selection Type" This is the grouping criteria for sickness statistics F = Job G = Sex I = Individual employee (pers. no.) J = Individual employee (name) K = Cost center L = Age O = Org. unit P = Personnel area Q = Personnel subarea S = Pay scale U = Employee group V = Employee subgroup Y = Description of sickness z = Absence type D = Duration of sickness (short/average/long) - = No selection Parameter "Absolute / Percentage / Cases" A = Absolute numbers (sick days) P = Percentage of cases (percentages) G = Number of sickness cases Parameter "Workdays / Calendar Days" You can use this parameter to specify the method used to calculate thenumber of sick days K = Calendar days W = Workdays The option "Calendar Days" means that the system counts the number ofcalendar days between the start and the end of the sickness. The option "Workdays" on the other hand is based on the work schedule ofthe employee concerned. Only the days marked as workdays are counted forthe calculation, irrespective of the number of hours worked on the day. If the calculation concerns a part-timer and the part-timer is scheduledto work 4 hours, this will count as a full working day and consequentlyalso as a full sick day. Parameter "Import Text Fields Org. Unit / Job" (Only for selection method org. unit or job) If this field is marked the texts for org. unit and job are importeddirectly from the short texts of the PD object (infotype P1000). If not,the text is imported from the corresponding text table. Parameter "Duration of Sickness Selection" This parameter is used to limit the cases of sickness to be evaluated tocertain duration of sickness categories (short, average, long) orcombinations thereof. Parameter "Duration of Sickness Short / Average" The maximum duration of a sickness for classification into thecategories "Short" and "Average" respectively. Parameter "Subsequent Sickness (Number of Days)" The number of days for linking subsequent sickness. Parameter "Full Sick Day as of % of" If you enter, for example, 60%, each sick day counts as a full day orworkday if an employee is fit for work for up to 39% (P2001-PSARB). The calendar or workdays on which the employee is sick will either becounted in full, or multiplied by the work incapacity percentage (100%minus P2001-PSARB). Output The report generates a statistical overview which can be displayed as a3D graph. Example Statistics on absenteeism due to sickness for the previous year by agegroup. |